Atype- Persian Voice Dictation
- High accuracy
- Real-time typing
- Compatible with all typing environments
- Converting pre-recorded audio files into text (offline mode)
- Supports voice commands to run and control applications
- Versions: Professional, Medical and Legal

Atalk- Persian Text-to-Speech
- Atalk-Screen Reader for the blind (Compatibe with JAWS)
- Atalk-Book Reader for general purpose application
- Atalk-Service- module/SDK/web service for developers and businesses
- Atalk-Mobile for cell-phones (available on Android)

Atask- Persian Voice Command
task enables users to run and control their programes installed on PCs.
- Run softwares by uttering their name
- Working with programs by voice
- Creating voice command for any program
- Speaker-independent voice recognition
Customized Solutions and Services

Speech-Enabled Computer-Telephony (CT) System
Atel is a system that not only support all features of the classical CT systems (Touch-Tone-based), but also supports intelligent features including automatic speech recognition, text to speech (text reader), speaker identification on voice and searching in telephony speech.
Speaker Identification/ Verification System
These solutions can be used in various security and access control tasks, alone or together with other security methods. Since everyone automatically carries his/her voice and cannot loose or forget his/her voice characteristics (as it may happen for passwords and PINs), the identification of speaker based on a speaker’s voice has advantages over other methods.

Pronunciation ranking of words and phrases
This feature may be used as a module or SDK in different applications such as language speaking learning. Based on pattern recognition techniques and statistical modeling, the feature can transform the similarity between the word/phrase pronounced by the user and the reference word/phrase into a score.
January 12, 2022
Published by alborztech on January 12, 2022
Farsireader.com, a free and online Persian text to speech service was launched…
January 12, 2022
Published by alborztech on January 12, 2022
The new version includes various new features such as automatic speaker recognition and text-to-speech …
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